The wait is over! Our much anticipated Egg/Farm stand is here!

This was such a fun project!

We are receiving so many orders for table eggs, it is getting difficult to coordinate pick-up times for all our wonderful customers. Now, we have our farm stand and once laying season is in full swing, we will have specific days/hours for pick up. Eggs will be placed in a multi-day cooler for customer pick-up.

This from-scratch farm stand began with a pallet, some 2x4’s and upcycled fence boards. I searched online for “farm egg stands” and so many designs and styles came up, all adorable and unique. I settled on a simple, mobile design and made it my own. There are just a few more decorative touches that need to be made and it will be complete. I hope you like it!

We also plan to provide other seasonal items as well, such as mini flower bouquets, living herbs plants, and local fruits and veggies.

See you soon!


Winter on the farm…


Fall is here!