Winter on the farm…

From our February newsletter.

This winter has been quite unusual for so many areas of the country. Here in the Sierra Foothills, it has been pretty uneventful, which isn’t necessarily a good thing. Besides a few random, short-lived storms, it has been sunny and dry. While this may seem a luxury - skipping the doldrums of rain and mud season may not bode well for us during the summer.

But for now, we are ever so grateful to be safe from fires, freezes, and floods. Our flocks are loving the weather we have been graced with, and we most certainly are enjoying dry coops and sunny days.

Predators are hungry and moving back into the area to map out their breeding and hunting grounds for this upcoming spring. The usual suspects have been causing us some trouble, including coyotes, one falcon, and three red-tail hawks who have returned to their old stomping grounds to refurbish their nests and attempt to get some tasty snacks in between all the work. This also doesn’t bode well for us in late spring when their fledglings and pups become old enough to learn to hunt. We are pulling out all our tricks, including scarecrows and our “oh shit shacks.”

While the ladies are still on their sabbatical, egg production season is right around the corner. Please note that with some breeds, your order may not be shipped out right away (you will see the target date range on their listing).

The humans of TBH Farm have been taking this time to plan for the upcoming year, make any improvements or repairs around the farm, and doing some research on any additional breeds that our customers may want to add to their coops. If you are interested in any breeds that we do not carry, please let us know!

We hope 2025 is off to a great start for you!


TBH Farm


The wait is over! Our much anticipated Egg/Farm stand is here!