Specializing in fertile hatching eggs of rare breeds as well as popular and iconic farmyard breeds.
Our breeds include:
Ayam Cemanis
Black Copper Marans
Splash, Blue Lace Red, and Lavender Wyandottes
Seramas and Kikirikis
Shetland Hens
Silkies, including Lavender, Mauve, and Partridge
Showgirl Silkies, including Lavender
“Zombie” Chickens
Our mission is to raise happy, healthy chickens on our farm so we can provide you with the amazing experience of raising and loving your own special flock.
We know how exciting it is to watch little colorful orbs turn into adorable, fluffy, chirping little chicks, that then develop into unique and special birds with iridescent colors that shine in the sun.
And not only do these birds provide us companionship, they offer valuable services like bug control and nutritious, protein-dense food.
At TBH Farms, we want to share this experience with our community by offering fertile hatching chicken eggs from thoughtfully selected, high quality stock.
We live by the principle of “the chicken comes first” and adhere to top notch care, respect, and empathy for our birds. All our birds have roomy pens and turnout time in our pastures and orchard.